We saw this new band called The Nephews in Dubai over the weekend. Looked eerily familiar! We were able to get a close-up shot.
Thought the long hair look was out but locals really liked it!
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. Lennon
This will probably be our final post for phase one of our totally excellent adventure. Tomorrow we fly our last leg home to finally see our family and friends.
We had no real idea what we were getting ourselves into last July when we signed on for our year in the UAE. This site shows only the fun stuff ... and it was not all fun stuff, wallah!
Yes, there is to be a phase two. We are scheduled to return on August 12. This time we will be living in the city of Dubai.to be continued ... insha-allah!
Obviously, Dubai has progressed further than the US in genetics since all the band members are clones! Kudos to the UAE!
Do you remember the story about how Moses tied his ostrich to the tree and climbed a mountain? Yeah me neither.
The name of this picture is "the most awesome*nest* picture ever". (The asterisks are for emphasis.) Upon reading the title I thought, "Gosh. Would I sure love to see a picture of the most awesome nest ever. I would also love to see the most awesome picture ever of a nest." (Despite the amphiboly, I would be happy either way.) Yet, when I saw the picture, I saw no nest. I was immediately confused. Much thought was in order. Finally, after much scrutiny and careful analysis, I realized that there was in fact a nest in this picture. A nest depicted four times! A nest that could hold not one, but several birds. Quite awesome indeed. Obviously, I am referring to the shaggy mane atop his head that he calls "hair." But then I wondered what sort of bird would live in such a "nest". Since the nest is a throwback to the 60s, so too must be the birds. But I was thinking a much more ancient 60s. All the way back to the 60,000,000s BCE. Then I remembered reading recently that scientists had discovered Velociraptors to have feathers. Hence, the only reasonable conclusion from all the above reasoning is that this guy has a family of baby velociraptors living in his hair. So stay away from him at all costs! Once they learn to open doors we're screwed!
Brandon, if it's a throwback to the 60s, then the nests contain either the Byrds or the Yardbirds. I hope this clarifies some things.
And "awesomenest" is a word that defines something more awesome than Awesome-to-the-Max.
Either way, it's my best picture of anything ever.
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